The Telara Saga

Season Two
The Telara Saga: Fall of the Dragon Cults

The Guardians marched across Telara on a quest to destroy the Defiant leaders. Conquering every territory on the way, the Guardians found themselves at the gates of Meridian ready for battle. War erupted blanketing Freemarch and Meridian in blood. hundreds fell upon the soil only to be brought back again to fall again. Hours past and blood tainted the soil.

The Defiant forces fought with all their might sending the Guardians to the grave time an time again. As night fell a scout rushed into Dacia Ultan's den and delivered a message. The message that would change the war forever.

The Dragon Cults used Cyril's blind quest for power to encourage a battle with Asha Catari who's revenge thirsty antics made easy prey to the cleaver ways of the Endless Court. The intent was to keep the Guardians and Defiants killing each other long enough for the Endless Court and the other Dragon Cults to establish a foothold and regain the upper hand in Telara.

The now enlightened Guardians and Defiants realize that it is only with the strength of the Guardians and the intellect of the Defiants that Telara shall be reborn. They join forces for the next chapter of the Telara Saga.

Strength of the Dragon Cults

Each Dragon Cult begins at the rank of Untouchable and as the season progresses each rift or foothold defeated will weaken the forces of the particular Dragon Cult. Each Cult begins with 1,000 points of strength will decrease in strength based on the difficulty of the objective.

Dragon Cult Progress Cult Strength
The Abyssal
House Aelfwar
The Wanton
The Golden Maw
The Storm Legion
The Endless Court

The Telara Saga Season 2 Schedule

All events at 6:00PM Server Time (PST)

Chapter 1: The Abyssal
Date Battle
Sep. 6 Freemarch
Progress: +95 +14 +256
Sep. 13 Moonshade Highlands
Progress: +73 +9 +3 +232
Sep. 20 Iron Pine Peak
Progress: +34 +6 +2 +231
Chapter 2: House Aelfwar
Date Battle
Sep. 27 Silverwood
Progress: +15 +3 +53 +56
Oct. 4 Scarwood Reach
Progress: +411 +37 +3
Oct. 11 Stillmoor
Progress: +385 +5
Special Charity Event
Date Battle
Oct. 15 Freemarch
Progress: +80 +8 +74 +61
Chapter 3: The Wanton
Date Battle
Oct. 18 Silverwood
Progress: +6 +20 +306 +3
Oct. 25 Droughtlands
Progress: +12 +318
Nov. 1 Shimmersand
Progress: +33 +26 +155
Chapter 4: The Golden Maw
Date Battle
Nov. 8 Stonefield
Progress: +3 +191 +58 +8
Nov. 15 Shimmersand
Progress: +105 +59 +15
Nov. 29 Ember Isle
Progress: +1 +47
Chapter 5: The Storm Legion
Date Battle
Dec. 6 Droughtlands
Progress: +123 +68
Dec. 13 Iron Pine Peak
Progress: +273 +4 +10
Dec. 21 Ember Isle
Progress: +3 +63
Chapter 6: The Endless Court
Date Battle
Jan. 4 Scarwood Reach
Progress: +50 +178 +4
Jan. 11 Stillmoor
Progress: +5 +65
Jan. 18 Ember Isle
Progress: +30 +3
Jan. 25 The Final Battle

Your Host The Gaiscioch Family

The Gaiscioch FamilyThe The Telara Saga is hosted by the Gaiscioch (Gosh-Kia) Family. Gaiscioch is the Gaelic word for "Divine Warriors" and is taken from the Irish book Lebor Gabala Erenn, the oldest text found on Irish soil. The Gaiscioch were the protectors of the Celt gods.

The Gaiscioch are a well known organizer of large scale community driven server wide events. They have been producing such events since 2002 in Dark Age of Camelot, Warhammer Online (Battle for Badlands, Gaiscioch Trinity Nights), and now Rift: Planes of Telara.

The Gaiscioch have no requirements, commitments, or expectations of our members and welcome everyone from all skill levels and walks of life. We simply ask that you keep your blades out, not in. We never attack another member of the family. We are about having fun and making friends above all else. For more information about the Gaiscioch Family please visit our website or contact a member of the family in game.

Special Thanks!

We would like to send special thanks to all the Guilds, Alliances, and Players that have made The Telara Saga a Success.

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The Telara Saga Quick Stats

Seasons: 2

» View Telara Saga Season 1 Results

Point Legend:

Objective Points
Minor Foothold Minor Footholds 1
Major Foothold Major Footholds 2
Minor Rifts Minor Rifts 3
Major Rifts Major Rifts 5
Expert Rifts Expert Rifts 10
Raid Rifts Raid Rifts 15
World Invasions Zone Invasions 20

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The Telara Saga

The Telara Saga is a Community Driven oRvR Event put on each week by Players and Fans of RIFT: Planes of Telara. This event is in no way connected to, or endorsed by: Trion Worlds.

All trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

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The Telara Saga